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CRM supports your social campaigns

July 18, 2018

Business Software

Although lead generation may be a measure of success for certain marketers, the resulting conversions are much more important in the end. Business are primarily interested in ROI, when having to decide whether some activity was successful or not. So, the question is how to successfully convert your leads. The answer is given by CRM.

First of all, let’s agree that when a business is using its CRM solution properly, it has access to a huge amount of data related to its existing and potential customers. Thanks to this data, it can focus on leads of even greater quality, in order to increase the conversion rates and achieve an even more positive ROI for its PPC campaigns (an Internet marketing model, according to which advertisers pay a certain amount each time a person clicks on their ads).

The most meaningful way of using your CRM data is to actually understand who your customers are. You should be able to sort the demographic information from your existing customer database, so as to know the gender, the age group, the spending habits, the education level, the interests, as well as any other characteristics of your customers that can be used as a common trait.

By using this list of habits and behaviours, you can create a vocabulary for your PPC campaigns that will be addressed to this specific audience, or any other similar audience you’re interested in. Additionally, when planning your campaigns on various social media platforms, you can run ads targeting people with these specific demographics.

A CRM solution can add even greater value to your PPC campaigns, rather than just gathering demographics. If you take full advantage of its potential, you can essentially integrate all your customer interactions, including the actual campaign that led such customers to your business and the value that each customer has for you. Furthermore, by analysing the demographics of your customers based on the PPC campaign you used to attract them, you can conclude whether certain campaigns are more effective in making customers spend more in a single visit or in general during their relationship with you.

Some of the data that can be useful in creating more precisely targeted campaigns include the device types your customers use when visiting you and making a purchase, as well as the time of the day with the heaviest traffic. Thanks to this information, you will be able to increase your ROI.

Finally, you can use your CRM solution to track customers that have -for some reason- left your business. In this case, you can use the available data to select different time periods and determine the best time to re-approach these customers. This means you may have an even bigger success a few months, or even a year, later in regaining the interest of former customers. In any case, the fact is that the data provided by your CRM system will help you better understand how the different customer groups are attracted or pushed away, and how you can respond to this.


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