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Mobile apps change the business landscape

May 12, 2017


Businesses are now viewing mobile apps not only as a tool to enhance communication with their customers, but also as a means to transform their operations.

Sales and marketing apps

The most commercially popular enterprise mobile apps deployed by modern businesses, are sales and marketing apps, and the reason is quite simple: as sales personnel are spending a significant amount of their time visiting customers, an investment in mobile technology helps them support their on-the-go sales requirements, such as access to CRM data. Given the significance of sales in terms of revenue, it is important for businesses to have applications that automate their daily operations. For example, many businesses include how-to videos into their sales presentations, which they can later share with their customers.

Office productivity apps

Office productivity apps, such as apps for cost reporting, document generation, BI reporting and meeting tools, now amount to 12% of all deployed enterprise mobile apps. Mobilizing processes improves workforce productivity, allowing employees to complete their tasks whenever they want, from everywhere -regardless of the device they are using.

Mobile productivity apps can also transform the way businesses operate, introducing faster ways to complete tasks and offering increased business productivity. For example, a mobile conference call app streamlines communication among employees and enables collaboration through mobile devices, allowing people to connect with a simple touch, without needing to dial numbers and use conference lines.

A world of… apps

Thanks to enterprise mobility, businesses from all industries now have the opportunity to increase their productivity and revenue. There are hundreds of thousands of apps a business can purchase or develop, which will transform the way it operates. As mobile needs are changing, IT can customize these applications, or even develop their own mobile apps.

Businesses gradually discover that one or two important mobile apps can have a significant impact and transform their business-critical operations. So, the usability of mobile apps is expanding, transforming at the same time a wide variety of business processes.


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